Counselling and Psychotherapy
VBCC offers counselling and psychotherapeutic services to people who have found their behaviour is troubling to themselves, or to others. Our aim is to help you understand your behaviours, and to find personal strategies for making the changes you want to make: addressing abusive and family violence behaviours, addressing anger management, or other behaviours that aren't working for you.
We provide a range of counselling programs delivered in individual counselling - Men's Family Violence Behaviour Change, Women's Family Violence Behaviour Change, Anger Management, and the intersection with Alcohol and Other Drugs, promoting respectful relationships and other pro-social behaviours.
We offer individual counselling and psychotherapy for client-specific areas of development.
Click on the menu links for specific program information (and referral forms for services referring clients).
Be The Change - Men's Behaviour Change
12-Week Program
Provided in 12 individual counselling sessions via video counselling using Zoom - we aim to provide support to men who are addressing their family violence behaviour. Family violence affects all involved: partners, children, parents, siblings, and other family members - and you. Click here for further information.
Change Matters - Women's Behaviour Change
12-Week Program
Provided in 12 individual counselling sessions via video counselling using Zoom - we aim to provide support to women who are addressing their family violence behaviour. Family violence affects all involved: partners, children, parents, siblings, and other family members - and you. Click here for further information.
Anger Management Groups
180-Program 4-Week Program
Provided in 4 individual counselling sessions via video counselling using Zoom - we aim to provide support to men and women who are addressing their anger and aggression. Click here for further information.
Act Out Change - Young People's Anger Management
4-Week Program
Provided in 4 individual counselling sessions via video counselling using Zoom - we aim to support young people who want better outcomes, by exploring more productive pathways, developing new strategies, and gaining more understanding of themselves. For further information click here.
All referrals can be emailed to intake@vicbcc.com
For further details, please text or leave a voice message for Sally Nicholls (Program Manager/Senior Counsellor) on 0403 736 936 or email sally@vicbcc.com.